Welcome to Year 4 and 5

Our teacher is Miss Morris


If you would like to learn more about what we are learning at school take a look at our long term plan.

Y4/5 Long Term Plan


Each term we will provide parents/carers with a newsletter to help you support your child in their learning at home.

Year 4/5 Autumn 1 newsletter 2024
Year 4/5 Autumn 2 newsletter 2024

PE Days

Children can wear their school PE kits all day on PE days. Our PE day is .It is important that children arrive in school in their P.E kit (white/purple t-shirt, blue/black shorts/joggers and warm blue/black top and trainers). Remember that there should be no earrings worn on PE days. Please check your child's name is visible in all items of clothing.

Our PE days are Monday and swimming on Wednesdays.

Home Learning:

Your child should also be taking home their personal reading book at the end of each day. There are lots of activities that could be carried out linked to their reading book. For example: a book review (this could be done on the computer using Word or Powerpoint); creative writing based on character, plot or setting; a study of the author (their life and work) or a piece of art work linked to the text.

Your child will have been given a set of weekly spellings to practise across the week. Why not have a go at some creative ways to practise these e.g. mnemonics, wordsearches, crosswords, playing charades, making a mini dictionary, making a poster, hangman, scrabble etc.

The Oak Academy – A host of online lessons and activities that can be accessed for free:
English Grammar lessons recommended for Key Stage 2 | Teacher Hub | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)

Fluent in 5 – Arithmetic questions your child can have a go at.

Rapid Reasoning – Reasoning and problem solving questions based on what your child has been learning in class.

BBC Bitesize – Click on the link to access Maths games and activities:
Primary Homework Help | Online Games For Kids – BBC Bitesize

Times Table Rockstars – download from the App store on chosen device.

To assist with home learning during school closures, please find a list of useful websites and documents to keep your child busy and learning whilst not in school. Please also encourage your child to read and practise their times tables.

Useful websites:

Times Tables:


Answering questions on a text:


Jo Wicks workout:


News and events in Year 4/5...

Monday 31st March 2:45pm – Class 8 – Stay and Play

Wednesday 2nd April 3:30pm – 6:00pm - Parent Consultation Evening

Thursday 3rd April 3:30pm – 6:00pm - Parent Consultation Evening

Monday 23rd June – Sponsored colour run – whole school